Memahami 5 Tipe Gangguan Pendengaran

Understanding the 5 Different Types Hearing Loss

Mar 06, 2023

Hearing loss can develop at any age. It may be caused by many different factors, and it can generally be categorized as:

  • Central Auditory Processing Disorders
  • Conductive Hearing Loss
  • Mixed Hearing Loss
  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss
  • Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Central Auditory Processing Disorder

It's an interesting condition where the brain has trouble processing sounds, even though the ears are functioning properly. You see, when we hear a sound, it travels through electrical signals to our brain for processing. But for people with this disorder, there are issues in the central nervous system that interfere with the brain's ability to make sense of the sound. It's not a very common type of hearing loss, and unfortunately, it's quite challenging to treat. People with this disorder may be able to hear, but they struggle with understanding and processing the sounds they hear.

Conductive Hearing Loss

It happens when there's an issue with the outer or middle ear, which prevents sound waves from reaching the inner ear. This can be caused by things like earwax, ear infections, a punctured eardrum, fluid buildup, or even abnormal bone growth.

Interestingly, this type of hearing loss is more common in children, especially if they have frequent ear infections or put foreign objects in their ears. The good news is that in most cases, their hearing can be restored through medical or surgical treatments. So, if you or someone you know is experiencing conductive hearing loss, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional who can recommend the best course of action to improve the hearing.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

It happens when the part of our ear that turns sounds into electrical signals and sends them to our brain (the cochlea and auditory nerves) doesn't work properly. This happens when the hair cells in the cochlea get damaged. Interestingly, this is the most common type of hearing loss. Sometimes it can be due to genetics or just a natural part of aging. Other causes include being exposed to loud noises for a long time, certain medications that can harm the ear, or even ear infections.

Unfortunately, there's no medical or surgical cure for sensorineural hearing loss at the moment. But the good news is that many people with this type of hearing loss find that hearing aids can be really helpful. So if you or someone you know is experiencing sensorineural hearing loss, it's worth considering hearing aids as an option to improve your hearing.

Mixed Hearing Loss

It's when a person experiences both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss at the same time.

The conductive part of this hearing loss can sometimes be treated and resolved, which is good news. However, the sensorineural component is a different story because it's permanent. So, here's an example to help you understand better: imagine someone who already has age-related hearing loss, but on top of that, they also get a middle ear infection. That combination leads to mixed hearing loss.

Now, when it comes to managing this type of hearing loss, the focus is on addressing the treatable factors of the conductive part. That might involve medical treatments or even surgery to improve the hearing. However, it's important to remember that the sensorineural aspect won't go away. It's there to stay. In situations like these, it's crucial to work closely with hearing care professionals to come up with the best plan to manage the mixed hearing loss. They might recommend solutions like hearing aids or other assistive devices to help improve overall hearing and communication abilities.

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

There's another type of hearing loss called Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss, also known as Sudden Deafness. It's pretty much what it sounds like – a sudden and unexpected loss of hearing that can happen in just a few days. You might notice that sounds become muffled or quieter during this time.

Here's the thing: this type of hearing loss typically affects only one ear, but it can have a lasting impact. It could lead to permanent hearing loss if not addressed promptly. Now, the good news is that early treatment can make a real difference here. If you experience sudden hearing loss, it's crucial to act fast – ideally within two weeks of noticing the symptoms. That means it's time to schedule an appointment with an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) doctor right away.