SOUNDLIFE Ambassador

We're thrilled to introduce the SOUNDLIFE Brand Ambassador Program. Our program aims to promote the importance of hearing and the life-changing benefits of hearing aids. As a SOUNDLIFE Brand Ambassador, you'll have the power to empower people with hearing loss to live more fulfilling lives and achieve their dreams.

Program Goals:

We believe that everyone deserves the chance to live a fulfilling life, regardless of their hearing abilities. Whether it's children born with congenital hearing loss or adults experiencing age-related hearing loss, we want to show them that they can still thrive.

By promoting the effective use of hearing aids, we can empower parents to send their kids to attend mainstream schools, pursue their dreams and achieve just like any other child. We can also enable older adults to actively engage in society, making the most of their retirement and contributing to the communities they love.

By participating in this program, we can work together to:

  • Raise awareness about the importance of hearing and the impact of hearing loss on individuals and their communities.
  • Educate the public about the benefits of hearing aids and how they can enhance quality of life.
  • Inspire and empower individuals with hearing loss to overcome challenges and pursue their goals.
  • Promote inclusivity and create a society where everyone can actively participate and contribute.

What's In It for You?

  • Opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of individuals with hearing loss.
  • Increase your personal brand and visibility as a spokesperson for hearing health.
  • Collaborate with a leading hearing center and be featured in our media campaigns.
  • Network with professionals in the hearing healthcare industry.
  • Exclusive access to new technologies and advancements in hearing aids.
  • Recognition and appreciation for your contributions.
  • Most importantly, a SPECIAL hearing aid package, exclusively for the SOUNDLIFE Brand Ambassador. 

Program Duration:

The SOUNDLIFE ambassador program runs for 24 months. During this time, you'll actively participate in various initiatives and campaigns to spread awareness and promote the significance of hearing health.

Who Can Apply?

We are looking for enthusiastic individuals who are passionate about improving the lives of those with hearing loss. To apply for the brand ambassador program, please meet the following criteria:

  • Personal Experience:
    If you've experienced hearing loss yourself or have a close relationship with someone who has, you're the perfect fit.
  • Advocacy Enthusiasts:
    We want ambassadors who genuinely care about raising awareness for hearing health and the life-changing benefits of hearing aids.
  • Excellent Communication Skills:
    The ability to express yourself well verbally and in writing is crucial. You'll be sharing your story with diverse audiences, so clear communication is key!
  • Reliable and Committed:
    We need ambassadors who are in it for the long haul. You'll need to be fully committed for the entire 24-month duration and actively participate in all promotional activities.
  • Social Media Presence:
    You need to be active on social media platforms with a dedicated following of at least 100,000 followers and have a commitment to promote hearing health.

What Will You Do as a SOUNDLIFE Brand Ambassador?

As a SOUNDLIFE Brand Ambassador, you will have the following responsibilities:

  • Share Your Story:
    We want you to tell your personal journey with hearing loss — the challenges, the victories, and how hearing aids have made a difference in your life or the lives of your loved ones.
  • Spread the Word on Social Media:
    Use your social media platforms to raise awareness about hearing health and share our brand's message. We'll provide you with hashtags and content to make it super easy!
  • Engage with the Community:
    Roll up your sleeves and get involved in community events, seminars, workshops and other initiatives that help educate people about hearing health and the benefits of hearing aids. You are also ready to be featured in media campaigns, which might include interviews, testimonials, photo shoots and video recordings. It's your time to shine!
  • Be a Stellar Representative:
    As a brand ambassador, you'll embody our brand's values and mission. We trust you to represent SOUNDLIFE with professionalism, integrity and enthusiasm.

Ready to Apply?

To apply for the SOUNDLIFE Ambassador Program, please complete the application form available on our website. Ensure that you provide detailed information about your personal experience, community involvement, communication skills, and social media presence.

Our team will review all applications and select brand ambassadors based on the provided criteria and their potential to contribute to the program's goals.

Join us in making a difference in the lives of individuals with hearing loss and helping them realize their full potential. Together, we can create a world where everyone can enjoy the gift of hearing and lead fulfilling lives.

If you have any inquiries or need further information, please contact our SOUNDLIFE Brand Ambassador Program Coordinator.